Pubcast 384 – Colorado’s Real Ale: Robert Bell of Hogshead 54 Brewery

The Brit took a trip out West to the craft brewing mecca of Denver, Colorado. While there, he visited a unique brewery where real ale takes the spotlight, Hogshead 54 Brewery. Robert Bell is one of the 3 people responsible for this oasis of British ales and does most of the brewing. In this special episode, we find out about his passion for brewing beers that can be dispensed through hand-pull engines (of which there are 7 at HH54), and give the drinker a taste of the UK!

Robert talks about what makes real ale so special and what needs to happen in the brewing process to produce them, and what ingredients they use. We find out the history of HH54, which is just over 10 years old, where the name came from, and how Robert came onboard. They also have keg beers and are venturing into lagers on a limited basis, some of them on cask.

Join us for this fascinating look into a one-of-a-kind brewery paying homage to the roots of British beer…check them out the next time you visit Denver!

Beers Sampled:

  • Chin Wag – Extra Special / Strong Bitter (ESB), 5.8% ABV
  • Barges’ Mild  – English Dark Mild Ale, 4.2% ABV
  • Gilpin Black Gold – English Porter, 5.0% ABV
  • Hogwild IPA – English IPA, 5.9% ABV

Check out our ‘quick look’ video here, then head over to our YouTube channel for more videos!

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