The home-brewers of today might be the professionals of tomorrow, so this week The Brit is experiencing something different – beer judging!
Marc Wilson, head brewer at Oswego Brewing invited The Brit and other “celebrity” judges (his words not mine!) to help review the entries for the Oswego Brew at the Bridge home-brew competition. The final grand winner of this competition gets to brew a full batch of their beer which will then be available at the Oswego tap-room.
Joining Marc and myself were Gillerson’s Grubbery owner, Dan Emerson, Flight bottle-shop and taproom owner Tony Weeks, Emancipation Brewing‘s owner/brewer Lincoln Slagel, OBC’s tap-room manager Aaaron Royston, and last but not least, Hopvine’s brewer and part-time co-host of the podcast, Ken McMullen.
Dividing up into teams, each with a professional to guide us, we sampled the nearly 50 entries and used a home-brew judging form to pass on our ratings and thoughts on each brew. From this, the winners of each category were selected who then went on to the final judging that took place at the festival on Saturday.
And the winner is…Tony Daniels from PALE, with his Trappist Single called Thirsty Abbott. Congratulations to Tony and we had a lot of fun judging, and were impressed with the overall quality of all the entries! Cheers!
Play the show from the PodBean player, or our player below…